my name is DJ Sliq Kay im your oil sliq DJ, keeping it 263 PERCENT! 993 DEGREES SOLELY FOR YOU ZIMBABWE!

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Showcasing the best as far as Zimbabwean music is concerned and no doubt we are dedicated to rocking your world. I see you. Thank you for visiting my blog you rock major! Feel free to comment with your favourite song and i will mix it up and mash it up just for you. Also include the town or city you are from for a shout out.
Here is the next blog enjoy

Thursday 31 December 2015

being a dj - part 4

Becoming a DJ at a radio station may require a bachelor's degree. Journalism, broadcasting and communications majors can study a wide range of topics. Some of these topics can include voice training, sound engineering, journalism or reporting skills and computer training. A bachelor's degree is not always required but may increase the chances of being hired as a radio DJ.
There are no formal educational requirements to work as a club or party DJ. However, some colleges offer courses that club DJs may find useful. These can include music software training, sound production, marketing and small business management.


In general, disc jockeys do not need formal certification to find work. Obtaining voluntary certification in topics related to broadcasting, like production management or computer training, may be helpful.


In the past, radio DJs needed to obtain a commercial broadcasting license in order to work on the air. This was due to the fact that broadcast transmissions are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. However, this requirement no longer stands and broadcast DJs do not need to be licensed.
Club or party DJs may be required to obtain an entertainment license or small business license in some areas. This can vary based on the location where a club DJ is working.

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