my name is DJ Sliq Kay im your oil sliq DJ, keeping it 263 PERCENT! 993 DEGREES SOLELY FOR YOU ZIMBABWE!

What do u really want from lovemaking? what is needed to enjoy good intimacy?

Showcasing the best as far as Zimbabwean music is concerned and no doubt we are dedicated to rocking your world. I see you. Thank you for visiting my blog you rock major! Feel free to comment with your favourite song and i will mix it up and mash it up just for you. Also include the town or city you are from for a shout out.
Here is the next blog enjoy

Thursday 10 December 2015

Being a DJ - part 1

Also Known As:
Minimum Education:
What does a disc jockey do? DJs can perform a wide range of tasks throughout their careers. Radio DJs may choose which music to play during a broadcast and provide details about each song. They may also read traffic reports, discuss weather reports or inform the listener about breaking news stories.
Club DJs choose playlists of songs to create the right atmosphere for dancers. Some DJs spend a great deal of time developing the skills to create a perfect party mix and to transition seamlessly between songs. Many of these DJs work independently and may take jobs at weddings, parties and other special events. Some club DJs eventually become producers and create music of their own.
Disc jockeys must be able to handle many responsibilities simultaneously. If they are employed at a radio station, they must be able to coordinate with directors, editors and technicians to ensure that every broadcast goes smoothly. If they work independently, they must be passionate self-promoters and have great social skills.


  • Deliver both scripted and live broadcasts
  • Choose music playlists suited to a broadcast or event
  • Interview guests, provide commentary or report news
  • Independent DJs must market their skills and find new clients
  • Stay informed of new developments in news topics, trends and current events

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