my name is DJ Sliq Kay im your oil sliq DJ, keeping it 263 PERCENT! 993 DEGREES SOLELY FOR YOU ZIMBABWE!

What do u really want from lovemaking? what is needed to enjoy good intimacy?

Showcasing the best as far as Zimbabwean music is concerned and no doubt we are dedicated to rocking your world. I see you. Thank you for visiting my blog you rock major! Feel free to comment with your favourite song and i will mix it up and mash it up just for you. Also include the town or city you are from for a shout out.
Here is the next blog enjoy

Saturday 10 February 2018

Effectiveness of Fertility Rituals

Are fertility rituals effective?

Mainstream medicine does not support the idea of using spells and ceremonies as a way to treat infertility. It isn't likely, according to science, that such practice would improve the chances of becoming pregnant.

As with any practice that could affect your health, it is important to talk to your doctor about fertility rituals that you plan to use, especially if you are using them as an augmentation for infertility treatments or if you plan to use herbal supplements.

The practices may have little effect and they may be as reliable as gender prediction strategies, like the baby gender pencil test. If nothing else, the practices can have a calming effect, which can help improve the chances of conception, in some cases.

Kana paine hama kana shamwari dzanetsekana nenyaya yekutadza kubata mimba, chimbozamai marecipe andanyanyora awa. Ndaona ma testimonies akawanda erecipe yemabanana.

2 eggs
2 bananas
1 tsp soda
1 cup milk
mix all together and drink just after monthly periods
U drink this once in the morning before you eat anything
(Pliz ndapota don't cook, chingodya zvakasangana kudaro/ mix it up and eat)
Or u try recipe yemu avocado (but I recommend you to try banana recipe first)
soak avocado bark drink during your period days only

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