my name is DJ Sliq Kay im your oil sliq DJ, keeping it 263 PERCENT! 993 DEGREES SOLELY FOR YOU ZIMBABWE!

What do u really want from lovemaking? what is needed to enjoy good intimacy?

Showcasing the best as far as Zimbabwean music is concerned and no doubt we are dedicated to rocking your world. I see you. Thank you for visiting my blog you rock major! Feel free to comment with your favourite song and i will mix it up and mash it up just for you. Also include the town or city you are from for a shout out.
Here is the next blog enjoy

Sunday 14 January 2018

Why penis enlargement surgery is risky

It's not a common procedure, as the results aren't all that impressive. But the risks are high, especially if the penis is subjected to elongation before the fat injection—which is likely what killed the otherwise healthy 30-year-old man undergoing the procedure.After the procedure, some of the fat injected into his penis ventured through his blood into his lungs, clogging small blood vessels and robbing the body of oxygen. The patient suffered near-sudden death by fat embolism—a condition when fat mucks up blood vessels and disrupts blood flow.
Still, the question remains: If the procedure was risky and probably wouldn't have given him larger erections in the first place, then why bother?

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