Anyone that has been in a long term relationship knows that the spark
can fade. This is perfectly normal; after all, it’s unrealistic to
expect it to be as exciting as it was in the beginning. This doesn’t
mean that the fun and spark should die entirely though. Here are some
tips and tricks on how to keep the romance alive in your relationship.
1. Share your memories
stop remembering the amazing times you spent together. Let your
significant other know how much certain events and time spent with them
meant to you by actually telling them. Don’t fall into the trap of just
living in the past. You should want to create new memories and not just
be stuck in the past.
2. Recreate your first date
Hopefully you’re doing this for fun, and not because you have amnesia or something.
cute way to bring spark into your relationship is to recreate a time
when everything was new and exciting. Unless your first date was an
unmitigated disaster, why not recreate it for your significant other?
Just don’t try and force it. It’s okay if things don’t go 100% to plan.
You want it to be a fun night of reminiscing, not desperate and sad.
3. Never stop flirting
of the most exciting parts before the start of a relationship, or
toward the beginning, is the flirtation. Just because you become more
familiar with one another doesn’t mean that you should let that die.
Keep making cute suggestive comments and sending flirty text messages.
If you love the person, you should want to keep making him feel special.
4. Go on a second honeymoon
if you’re not married, at least take the time to go on a sexy vacation
with your love. The weight of everyday life can make it incredibly easy
to suck the romance out of our lives. Sometimes you just need to get
away and rediscover your passion for one another.
5. Don’t stop kissing
Remember kissing? It’s that thing that you used to not be able to get enough of.
incredibly important to not let kissing go flying out of your
relationship. And no, a quick peck on the lips or cheek before you leave
for work doesn’t count. Take the time and effort to plant a mad pash on
your loved one every day. It’s such a simple technique that can do
wonders in regards to keeping the intimacy alive, as well as making each
other feel sexy and desirable.
6. Smile more often
many people say that one of their favourite features in a mate is their
smile. So why do so many of us stop doing it once we’re in the middle of
a long term relationship? Be mindful that you’re supposed to enjoy each
other’s company, and that smiling is a big part of that.
7. Laugh more often
to above, laughing is essential to a healthy relationship. Your partner
is supposed to be your best friend; if you can’t have fun and a good
laugh with them, then something is seriously wrong. Take the time to
rediscover your shared sense of humor.
8. Play dress up
in no way an advocate for changing yourself to make someone else happy,
but there’s nothing wrong with dressing up every now and then. It’s a
healthy expression of your sexuality and can be a hell of a lot of fun.
If you know that your partner has a particular fetish, interest, or
kink, indulge in it for a night. He’ll be thrilled and will more than
likely be willing to do the same for you.
9. Be honest
above isn’t possible without being honest with your partner. If there’s
something that you enjoy, whether it be in or out of the bedroom, share
it with her. If you don’t feel like you can be honest about those kinds
of things, you need to ask yourself why.
10. Invest in your relationship
our busy modern world it can be incredibly easy to stop investing time
in your relationship and let it fall into a rut. As with anything,
relationships needs to be nurtured and encouraged, particularly when
they’re long term. Think about it: a relationship that spans years and
decades will not stay the same the entire time. A million different
things can change during that time, including the people involved.
Therefore, it makes sense that time needs to always be taken to keep it
healthy, interesting, fun and loving.